Group Coaching Agreement with Level Up Coaching, LLC

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Welcome to group coaching with Level Up Coaching, LLC! We look forward to partnering with you to achieve the goals and results that are important to you. By joining a group of like-minded people you will find support and synergy to achieve your most important goals.

What do you want to achieve by coaching in the next 3 and 6 months?  Or, in other words, what would your personal and professional life look like in 3 months and then 6 months while coaching that would cause you to say that you've “gotten your money’s worth and MORE.”


Coaching is a process in which the Coach serves as a strategic partner of the Client to explore goals, barriers, action steps, and accountability plans for moving forward. Coaching is client-focused and client driven with the client choosing their priorities and action steps. The coach serves to: provide perspective, create focus, clarify intention, motivate, and build accountability through empowering the client. Group coaching allows for further perspectives, more extensive brainstorming and a network of support and positivity from group members.

Coach Jennifer Bellinger, C.P.C. and Client {{billing_first_name}} {{billing_last_name}} agree to the following (check "I Agree" after each individual agreement):

  • The coaching relationship is based on open communication and trust. Client information and communications shall be confidential. All participants in the group coaching shall treat fellow clients with positivity, support, and maintain confidentiality of all call topics.
  • Coaching begins with a six month commitment, after which the group and coach choose whether to continue on a month-by-month basis or schedule periodic coaching sessions. The agreed upon monthly fee with be automatically charged every month. After the initial six months, the client shall notify the coach at least seven days in advance to change the automatic processing of the fee to their account.
  • The client may e-mail the coach up to three times between sessions and may schedule a call once between sessions for up to 15 minutes.
  • Sessions will be conducted by online video or phone conference call. As this is a group call, rescheduling is not an option. The Client understands that missed calls cannot be made up.
  • Because a Coach is not an attorney, an accountant, not a mental health professional, the Coach does not give advice – legal, financial or other. Coach and client agree that the coach may brainstorm with the client or share multiple examples for perspective, and the client makes all choices and decisions for them self.
  • The Coach and the Client recognize that the purpose of the Coaching relationship and process is for the Client to explore their goals and create significant change based on Client choice.

This letter serves as an agreement and to authorize monthly payments to be charged.

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Document name: Group Coaching Agreement with Level Up Coaching, LLC
lock iconUnique Document ID: 461f1b12cc5f44744097d642cbd3d328ccce1f1e
Timestamp Audit
January 30, 2020 6:56 pm CDTGroup Coaching Agreement with Level Up Coaching, LLC Uploaded by Jennifer Bellinger - IP
February 12, 2020 2:28 pm CDT Document owner has handed over this document to 2020-02-12 14:28:55 -